I R T Scotland

Independent Roof Training Association Scotland

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Support for employers when taking on Modern or Graduate Apprentices

The Scottish Government has announced that employers who take on an apprentice can access increased financial support through a new initiative in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Whether it's hiring someone new or developing an existing employee, apprenticeships can help provide the skills your business needs.

A new Apprenticeship Employer Grant has been made available to further support employers when taking on Modern or Graduate Apprentices within their business.

* £5,000 will be made available for employers taking on a 16 to 24- year old apprentice, and for those aged up to 29 years who are either disabled, care leavers or Black and Minority Ethnic (BME)

* £3,500 will be made available for employers taking on an apprentice aged 25 or over.

Funding will be available for eligible employers where the apprenticeship start date was on or after 1st December 2020. Funding will be available for starts until 25th March 2021 or until funding has exceeded, whichever comes first.

More information and application details will be made available from early January 2021.


IRT Scotland is the trading name of Independent Roof Training Association Scotland